API Reference

HubSpot API: Access Token Generation Guide

How to Generate a HubSpot Private App Access Token for Konvex Integration

Follow these steps to create a private app in HubSpot and share the access token with Konvex:


  • A HubSpot account with admin permissions
  • Valid login credentials for HubSpot

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Log in to HubSpot

  1. Go to HubSpot and authenticate with your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Private Apps

  1. Click the Settings (⚙️) icon in the top-right corner.

  1. Under Account Management, go to Integrations > Private Apps.

Step 3: Create a Private App

  1. Click Create a private app.

  1. Fill in the app details:
  • App Name: Konvex Integration

  • (Optional) Add a description or developer email if required.

Step 4: Configure Scopes (API Permissions)

  1. Under the Scopes section, enable the following permissions:
    crm.objects.contacts.read   // Read contacts
    crm.objects.contacts.write  // Write contacts
    crm.objects.companies.read  // Read companies

Step 5: Generate and Capture the Access Token

  1. Click Create app at the bottom of the configuration page.

  1. Confirm the action by clicking Continue creating in the pop-up warning.

  1. Critical Step: The access token will appear in a green box under the app name.
    ⚠️ Copy it immediately - it will only be shown once and cannot be retrieved later.

Step 6: Share the Token Securely

  1. Compose an email to sandbox@getkonvex.com with the subject:
    Konvex Integration - HubSpot Access Token Delivery
  2. Include this information in the email body:
    HubSpot Account Email: [YOUR_HUBSPOT_EMAIL]
    Generated by: [YOUR_NAME/TEAM]